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Understanding the Know, Like, Trust Website Strategy

Your website is the first point of contact, beginning a potential working relationship with your audience. But in an internet filled with competition, how can your site stand out, capturing both the eye and the heart of your visitors? The key lies in a principle as old as commerce itself, yet as relevant today as ever: “Know, Like, Trust.” By embracing this concept with straightforward, authentic design and messaging, your website can become more than just a business tool—it can be a place where meaningful connections are made.

The Origins of “Know, Like, Trust”

The concept of “Know, Like, Trust” was summarized by marketing expert and author Bob Burg in his influential book, “Endless Referrals.” Burg shared a fundamental truth of human interactions and commerce: “All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust.” This simple insight has since become a cornerstone in marketing strategies, emphasizing the importance of personal connection in business transactions. His work underscores the idea that technology should enhance, not replace, the human elements of trust and rapport in business.

Say Hello: Know

You have mere seconds to make them feel seen and understood by visitors to your website.

  • Be Bold, Be You: Employ design elements like color and imagery that instantly communicate who you are. First impressions are visual; make yours count.
  • Talk Simple: Use clear, friendly language. Talk to your visitor as you would to a new acquaintance you’re eager to know better. Your message should resonate with their needs and aspirations, making it immediately clear you have what they’re looking for.

Make Friends: Like

After the initial hello, it’s time to deepen the connection. This stage is about showing your human side and sharing values.

  • Share Your Story: People connect with stories. Share yours transparently, highlighting the why behind your what. This builds emotional engagement.
  • Play a Little: Interactive elements can lighten the mood. A quiz, a poll, or an engaging video can add a layer of interaction, showing there’s a real person behind the site.

The “Trust” Factor

Trust transforms visitors into a community. This is where you prove you’re not just friendly but also reliable and competent.

  • Show Off a Bit: Showcase testimonials and case studies. Let others speak to your reliability and the quality of your work.
  • Keep it Tidy: A clean, functional site signifies professionalism. It says you care about your visitor’s experience as much as your service or product.

Beyond these foundational elements, consider how each aspect of your site—from the FAQ page to the checkout process—reinforces the “Know, Like, Trust” journey. Every detail matters in crafting a user experience that feels personal and genuine.

Make Connections

View your website as the start of a conversation rather than a sales pitch. Adopting a straightforward, honest approach invites visitors into your world, setting the stage for a lasting relationship.

Reflect on your current site through the “Know, Like, Trust” lens. Is it welcoming? Does it communicate clearly and warmly? Does every element of your site work towards building trust? Are you making sure connecting with you through a form, email, or phone number link is easy to do?

Incorporating the “Know, Like, Trust” principle doesn’t just enhance your site’s appeal; it taps into the fundamental way humans form relationships. By being authentic, providing value, and showing consistency, you turn your website into a place where visitors don’t just arrive but also want to stay.

Remember, at its heart, your website is about connection. Through thoughtful design and messaging rooted in the enduring wisdom of “Know, Like, Trust,” you can create a website that welcomes, engages, and builds trust with every visitor. Be bold, be you, and watch as the right people find your services time and time again.

Is it time to refresh your website and messaging? Reach out and let’s start our conversation!

Cami MacNamara

Providing web design services from West Seattle, WA since 2002.

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