Honest to Goodness Personal Chef Services – Website Care

A Seattle-based personal chef business needs website care support.

Meet my client: Personal Chef Laura Taylor and I met through BNI (Business Networking International) nearly a decade ago.

What was needed: At that time, Laura had a Squarespace website, and I worked with WordPress exclusively. Fast forward to 2022, and Laura upgraded her website to WordPress but didn't have time to take care of the back-end updates that WordPress requires.

Our solution: Laura enrolled in my care plan after I determined that her Elementor-based site was something I could manage for her.

Proven results: Now, Laura doesn't have to worry about backups, virus scans, theme, and plugin updates. She has WebCami as her trusted partner in keeping her website running smoothly.

Remember this! Even if I didn't build your website, I could be your website support person!