It’s phishing season, again.

Photo of person fishing for article about phishing

In my last blog post, I mentioned that scams and hacking are on the rise. There are two more items that are new on the scene that I wanted to share with you.  Here are two more WordPress scams you need to look out for in 2020.

They are both phishing emails and both spreading like wildfire.

The first one says you need to do a WordPress update:

From: WordPress
Subject: DNS Update

We’re upgrading your domain DNS for something even better, freely!

We care about your privacy and the protection of your domains, so we will soon be upgrading them, from basic Domain Name System (DNS) to Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC).

This will trick you into entering your WordPress login info.  They also did this for HostGator accounts.  Read more about this scam:

The second one is a scam about photo copyrights:

This came to a client in a slightly different version, but claims that photos are being used on your website without permission and included a link to a Google Drive file:

Subject: You are not allowed to use my images for [domain] without my consent! This is a violation of my rights! You must remove them right now! 

Message: Hi there!

This is Melissa and I am a professional photographer.

I was confused, to put it nicely, when I came across my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without my approval, you must be aware that you could be sued by the owner.

There is a drive link that is malware.  Most of the links have been removed and many are posting about it in this Google Forum.

It’s so important to keep your eyes open for suspicious emails.  A good way to check on one is to put the first few sentences or the subject line into Google search and see what pops up.  Chances are, you aren’t the only one receiving the email.

Cami MacNamara

Providing web design services from West Seattle, WA since 2002, with a focus on making website management easy for business owners & non-profits. I ❤︎ Alki Beach.

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