How to hide someone from your newsfeed but maintain your friendship on Facebook


Facebook is not supposed to be upsetting.  Whether it’s politics, racism, or photos meant to shock you, your daily Facebook check can make you wonder why you’re friends with someone in the first place!

But, if you are like me, you try to seen the good in everyone, even if they show their ugly side in their Facebook feed.  We are a society of free expression and that old rule of etiquette –“never talk about religion or politics” has been lost on social media.  After all, sometimes we just can’t help ourselves.

Well, here’s a way to control what you see in your newsfeed without cutting ties to longtime friends you want to keep even though you no longer see the world through the same lens.


Visit the Facebook page of the person you want to remove from your newsfeed.



If you see this person in your newsfeed currently, it should look like this on the RIGHT SIDE of their timeline cover (their page header):

follow on


Mouse over or click on FOLLOWING and uncheck it.  It will now look like this:

follow off


You are still friends but you won’t see them in your newsfeed.  You can visit their page and check in, but they won’t be spouting off every opinion they have on your newsfeed anymore.

Cami MacNamara

Providing web design services from West Seattle, WA since 2002.

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